president wang liping was named as top ten most influential economic figures of yinzhou districtrant-完美体育网页版登录

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president wang liping was named as top ten most influential economic figures of yinzhou districtrant
release time:2012-04-20 browse times:1210

to celebrate the tenth anniversary of yinzhou district changing from yinzhou county, led by district commission and government offices, four "top ten" election activity was carried out. openly recommend by each town village (street) and relevant departments of district level, after synchronously elected by yinzhou daily and yinzhou news network, the election result was announced.

top ten most influential economic figures are as below: youngor group president li rucheng, shanshan investment holding co., ltd board chairman zheng yonggang, guangbo group president wang liping, aux group president zheng jianjiang, bowei group co., ltd chairman xie shicai, china-base ningbo group co., ltd president zhou jule, ningbo hebang investment group co., ltd president chen changxi, lishi group president and ceo li lixin, ningbo lihua pharmaceutical co., ltd president xu jun and yinzhou liangqiao rice industry co., ltd general manager zhu xiping.


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